Having Áine explain my Human Design chart has been such an amazing eye opener for me! I now understand several aspects of my personality, that I had always thought to be “weird” or “unacceptable”. Through my chart, I am better able to see these characteristics of myself as how I SHOULD operate in order to be my “true self”! I am also now better equipped to recognize facets of my “not self”, assisting in my deconditioning from my old harmful patterns.
The study of Human Design is a marvelous tool. And the teachings that Áine has given me, through her wisdom of the Human Design system and her own inner guidance, has empowered me with a deeper understanding of myself, pointed out tools for my future growth, and allowed me to give myself permission to be ME ~ in the way I was DESIGNED to be!
Eala Geal
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Áine, learning about my human design has been truly liberating for me to be ME, to meet and occupy my Inner Authority, see and unlearn the conditioning from my early life and generally wake up. Understanding that I am a Generator with Emotional Inner Authority has transformed my relationships and my business. I have great gratitude and appreciation for your work! Thank you Áine, I would be glad for you to share this testimonial in any way you wish.
Love, Gwen
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My HD sessions with Áine have been an incredible investment for life for me. By gaining an understanding about my design and my body graph I now have some invaluable nuggets of key pieces of information about who I am and what my original design/template for this life is. From both my own inner journey and from working as a coach and therapist I have become more aware of how we can become conditioned so easily by others and our environment. In HD they call this the not-self. If you are like me and feel like you are on a quest to get closer and closer to your real self then these HD sessions can give you an accurate map to help chart that course and navigate back to that original you! I also found it incredibly healing when my conditioned mind was informed of what I somehow intuitively knew deep down was the real me. So much judgement of self and others fell away leading to greater self-acceptance and self- love. Áine delivers all of this beautifully from the heart and her compassion, intelligence and mastery of this subject means I can highly recommend her for HD sessions.
Shane Pearson
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I was intrigued the first time Áine explained my HD chart to. When my wife understood her HD chart, as a Reflector, it changed her life in meaningful ways. That convinced me. What I specifically like about Áine’s readings is the depth and breadth of the interpretations. They have been most helpful to me. The eating correctly for my design portion of the reading helped me to eliminate the intense allergies that I have lived with for the last 50 years.
Brad Johnson
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Áine is a clear and concise guide into the world of Human Design. As a Manifestor, it was important for me to discover why I was often not understood, or seem to fit in with others and that how I view the world and my reality is not wrong, but a function of how I designed myself before I took embodiment. For example, a Manifestor has a repelling type of aura, thus people are often intrigued with the information a Manifestor carries in their aura, and at the same time can be irritated or “repelled”. Knowing that I was an Emotional Authority, and that means that I must wait for emotional clarity before I make a decision, helps me profoundly as I know I can give myself more time before acting. This clearly allows me to act from my core self rather than reacting or jumping in too fast, whether the decision involves what to have for lunch, or if I should quit my job! Áine’s guidance has helped me to be more accepting of myself and how I operate in the world, as I continue to explore the human blueprint I designed for this time around.
Holly Schuck
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It never ceases to amaze me how there is always something new that the HD chart reveals to me! Áine brought out that I wasn’t only a MANIFESTOR with an EMOTIONAL Inner-Authority; I also am here to INITIATE! She also explained the different channels and how some were more for SELF, some were for TRIBE and some for COMMUNITY.
HD really helps me understand ME and how my energy interacts with others. As a MANIFESTOR, it is best for me to INFORM others. With an EMOTIONAL Inner-Authority, it is best for me to sleep on decisions. This has really made life much easier for me!
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Áine introduced me to Human Design almost 4 years ago and it was one of the turning points in my life. Not only that the Human Design is a magnificent system to de-condition and reveal the true Self, but I also can’t imagine a better teacher and guide than Áine.
Her amazing knowledge and deep wisdom are stunning and I always felt in good hands with her. Áine’s way of teaching and informing is outstanding, her sessions life changing.
Since I have known about my aura type as a Projector with Splenic Inner-Authority, I truly understand more and more how I am designed to be ME. Having learned about HD , I have a different and more conscious approach to life. I have started to love and appreciate myself for who I really am. I now listen to my body’s truth and wisdom and with big excitement I continue to study the Human Design with Áine.
Thank you from my heart, Áine, for your invitation to and guidance in the HD all those years.
I highly recommend Áine’s sessions – such an extraordinary experience!
Birgit B.